Category Archives: Data Science
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The Dawn of Open Access to Phylogenetic Data
The scientific enterprise depends critically on the preservation of and open access to published data. This...
Read the Paper Open Data in Global Environmental Research: The Belmont Forum’s Open Data Survey
This paper presents the findings of the Belmont Forum’s survey on Open Data which targeted the...
Read the Paper The PLOS ONE collection on machine learning in health and biomedicine: Towards open code and open data
Recent years have seen a surge of studies in machine learning in health and biomedicine, driven...
Read the Paper Expanding the actions of Open Government in higher education sector: From web transparency to Open Science
Universities have been pressured by governments to change their way of acting and to be more...
Read the Paper Open access publishers: The new players
The essential role of journals as registries of scientific activity in all areas of knowledge justifies...
Read the Paper The Case for Open Preprints in Biology
Public preprint servers allow authors to make manuscripts publicly available before, or in parallel to, submitting...
Read the Paper Open Access: A PLoS for Education
The next generation of life scientists are currently undergraduates—and the success of this generation depends upon...
Read the Paper Introducing Open Highlights: Highlighting Open Access Research from PLOS and Beyond
When PLOS Biology was launched back in 2003, part of our remit was to broaden access...
Read the Paper The Open Knowledge Foundation: Open Data Means Better Science
Data provides the evidence for the published body of scientific knowledge, which is the foundation for...
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