In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy provides insight into metabolism in the human body. New acquisition protocols are often proposed to improve the quality or efficiency of data collection. Processing pipelines must also be developed to use these data optimally. Current fitting software is either targeted at general spectroscopy fitting, or for specific protocols. We therefore introduce the MATLAB-based OXford Spectroscopy Analysis (OXSA) toolbox to allow researchers to rapidly develop their own customised processing pipelines. The toolbox aims to simplify development by: being easy to install and use; seamlessly importing Siemens Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard data; allowing visualisation of spectroscopy data; offering a robust fitting routine; flexibly specifying prior knowledge when fitting; and allowing batch processing of spectra. This article demonstrates how each of these criteria have been fulfilled, and gives technical details about the implementation in MATLAB. The code is freely available to download from

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